large party of people have just returned home from the terrible Mahabharata war. The news about Lord Krishna’s activities are being discussed by a Mother and daughter as lunch is being prepared. The questions are beginning to extend to all areas of life as the daughter starts to worry about her future.

A Conversation on the End of the Veda: 
Man is made of Veda ⋅ The flood tide of the Ganges sweeps away all the mud and impurities from its banks ⋅ Like that the incarnations of God come and sweep away all the accumulated impurities on the path of knowledge ⋅ As individual life grows to enlightenment the unity seen in this object and that object extends to the farthest galaxy beyond the possibility of perception ⋅ ‘By the teaching the Reality becomes everywhere evident’ ⋅ 
To realize the transcendental value of the Self experience is enough ⋅  But to realize Brahman the great grand Totality of life, knowledge is necessary ⋅ If you have a treasury in the house you only need to see it and to be told about it for you to act like a millionaire ⋅ The Upanishads lead one to the individual experiences of unity ⋅ The Brahma Sutras stitch those experiences together to make one seamless cloth of Brahman ⋅ Words turn back at the door of the Transcendent.

Watching the elephants arrive

The tree's commentary:
The sounds of the Veda and the Vedic Literature and the organising power of natural law contained in their silences point to the glory of the Transcendent but cannot capture it ⋅  The entire field of manifest creation with all its great stories like the Mahabharata are just waves on the ocean of Pure Consciousness ⋅ These great stories are designed by Nature to create memories or impressions in us of just such a kind that we act in accord with Natural Law ⋅ When stress or memories of just the point value of Natural Law start to overshadow our lives then Nature does something to create memories of the wholeness of Natural Law which restore the balance ⋅ Memory of the wholeness of Natural Law is the memory of the unboundedness of Pure Consciousness ⋅ It should be retained along with memory of the parts ⋅ Memory of the feeling of home created by the unmanifest space in the home should be maintained even when one is building the walls and ceiling ⋅ 
Veda Vyasa writing the Mahabharata with the aid of Sri Ganesh
The Vedas are structured in the wholeness of Pure Consciousness ⋅ They are the Masterplan of life ⋅ With more and more exposure to Pure Consciousness, the Veda, the constitution of the universe, begins to be lived  more and more in life ⋅ As we continue meditating and transcending memory of the totality of Natural Law begins to efface the stresses and strains created by memory of partial values of Natural Law ⋅ In time with continued meditation one acts based on Total Natural Law, in accord with the Will of God ⋅ Action in accord with Natural Law is Vedic action – action in accord with Veda ⋅ If we speak of Pure Consciousness becoming something then we can say that it breathed out the Veda from which this universe arises ⋅ The process by which the Veda emerges from Pure Consciousness is described in Maharishi's Apauresheya Bhashya ⋅ The exact same process is also revealed by modern science in the structure of the Lagrangian of the Unified Field ⋅ From Pure Consciousness the unmanifest structure of Rishi (observer), Devata (process of observation) and Chhandas (observed) emerges ⋅ This same structure is found both in the Veda and the interpretation of Hilbert space by Unified Field theories ⋅ 

Discovery of the 40 Qualities of Intelligence

in the Self-Interacting Dynamics of the Unified Field
The forty qualities of the Veda and Vedic literature are also located in the Lagrangian of the Unified Field ⋅ With the basis of Natural Law, the constitution of the universe, open to modern science it is only a matter of time before everyone starts to adopt the technology to live total Natural Law in daily life ⋅ Life lived in accord with the constitution of the universe is called Raam Raja ⋅ In Raam Raja suffering belongs to no one, 'Raam Raja duhk kahu na vyapa' ⋅ Reading about the creation of Raam Raja in the Ramayana and in the Mahabharata swings the emotions through all the ups and downs of life so that one becomes permanently established in Natural Law ⋅ The Ramayana and the Mahabharata constitute the 'Last laugh' of the Veda– the 'Itihasa' .
The conversation in this book leads to the conversation in the eighth book that brings out how to establish in human affairs that silent administration by which Nature administers the universe.